Barry Windham and Frank Dusek came out immediately.....
Frank - Mr. Champion and Fredrickson not only do I disagree with you terribly, I will vow to take MY PWA and take you
and your AWA XXX Out... You will not merge withe PWA!!! In fact the PWA WIll be making a blockbuster announcement. Gagne and
Fredrickson Sports may own the PWA.... And you may have the say but Greg Gagne is President and can over turn your decisions.
Fredrickson may have the money but we go the balls...
Barry Windham - Thats right....... Jeff Jarrett who is in AWA XXX's roster but he is also the founder and half shareholder
of TNA with Mick Foley!!!!
Jeff Jarrett - Hey everybody is great to be here back on WWA PPV. Tonight me and Barry have a very huge announcement
to make...... Mick come on out
Mick Foley - Yes thats right.... TNA plans to merge with Frank Dusek's PWA!!!!
Champions music blares and Don West II and Champion immediately come out...
Chris - Hold up.... TNA and the PWA will not be merging. The PWA nor TNA can be part of the AWA hold a World Title and
the PWA is still owned by John, Greg, Dale, and I!
The Gagnes Music play and they come out.... Frerickson follows.....
John - This business is getting dramatic...
Greg - That's right.... We are not very happy Chris....
John - Chris the PWA isn't yours and if you'd play your cards right you would realize you are the future of the AWA......
Now We are selling out portion of AWA XXX to you and you will have Thursday Night Eruption....... We have no idea
who is gonna be our flag ship but it's up for grabs between WCW, AWA XXX, and the PWA..... But as for the PWA I am making
a decision... Frank Dusek is the CEO at the PWA. and the PWA is going in a direction that Chris does not feel works.. Since
Greg, Dale, and I feel that Chris is the future of the AWA then we have decided we need some money. Jeff Jarret and Mick Foley
have decided to buy the PWA Central States Westling Promotion from us. They will be merging their companies as one and unifying
their titles I am sure.......
Jeff Jarret - That's right folks we will do so. I will continue to be chairman of the board of directors for tna....
Me and Mick Foley will be 50/50 partners/founders..... And I am making Barry Windham new CEO/President.... and Frank Dusek
Vice President/Dod....... Mick Foley, Windham, and Dusek will all be part of the board of directors with me....... TNA and
the PWA will continue on as TNA and will have no affiliaton with the AWA!!!!!
Jarrets music plays him and Foley Exit.........
Barry Windham - We are here to take you out Champion and that's what I plan to do......
Windham and Dusek exit........
The Gagnes leave...
John - Don West II, you are doing a fine job at WCW keep up the good work. Watch over Chris and heed his ways. You
two need to find that happy medium and AWA XXX coul go places...... Chris you need to watch yourself. You are on thin ice...
If you plan to be the future of the AWA you must get back on the right path.... Now folks enjoy our last ever WWA Event...
The music plays and the scene fades into the WWA Summer Slam Intro the Announcers announce the show welcome the
fans and the matches get under way.
Match 1
For the PWA Heavyweight Championship
"The Prince" Jullian Lemoine from AWA XXX Vs. TNA/PWA's Blake Donovan w/ Jeff Jarrett.
Lemoine wins the match
and Champion Comes out....
Chris Champion - We are going to continue to hold on the PWA Heavvyweight Champioonship and we will defend it... the
AWA XXX Stable will be part of TNA/PWA and I plan to get my rights back because the PWA is still my life......
Match 2
Scott Norton and Vader d. The Hard Brothers retaining US Tag titles
Match 3
Albert Smith d. Kai Hansen for the AWA XXX Heavyweight CHampionship
Match 4
Stone Cold Steve Austin d. Edge from PWA/TNA